Around Valentines Day, I had received an email from Sephora about an offer. For a limited time only, with a minimun purchase of $35, their V.I.B. members would receive a complimentary set of Nars mini's when using a specific code during checkout. I had recently decided to try Make up Forever HD foundation and decided that now would be a great time to purchase it...
Make Up Forever HD in #175 Cafe
(I initially picked up #177, but after wearing it twice I realized it was a bit too dark)
Now being's that the cost of the foundation was $40, meeting the required purchase amount, I was able to punch in a code upon checkout and get this gift below...
Nars Copacabana Liquid Luminizer, Smudge Proof Eyeshadow base, and Laguna bronzer
All deluxe sized samples. Great for me as I had never tried any of these products, and I got them all completely free! I just love gifts with purchase! Have any of you tried MUFE HD? How about any Nars products above? I'd love to know your thoughts :)

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